The effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems

By: Andrew Vu

How do the effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems affect people - what makes it so important to us?

Fish is a very common part of millions of diets around the world; thus, if water temperatures exceed the thermal limits of these fish, it will be extinct from our diets indefinitely.

Additionally, long droughts will dry out more rivers and streams, reducing both human water supply and aquatic habitat water supply.

What are the scientific ways to aid against the effects of climate change?

The most practical methods to aid against climate change are maintaining groundwater levels and restoring and protecting habitats.

Groundwater levels are essential to keep under control because they aren't nearly as vulnerable to climate change impacts as surface-water levels.

Scientists are currently attempting to restore and protect habitats by re-creating large woody debris or buffers in order to allow resistance to the impacts of disasters.

Warmwater Habitat

What can everyone do to fight climate change and save aquatic ecosystems?

The way aquatic ecosystems are affected by climate change is very similar to how the land ecosystems are affected, but in this case, the water itself is getting warmer. This will increase until eventually, many of the species will exceed their thermal limit and cease to exist.

We can try to mitigate the effects of climate change by using more fuel-friendly transportation methods such as walking and biking, as well as electric powered cars and appliances rather than gas ones.

Of course, this is arguably a niche solution, but this would definitely fight against the dangers of climate change in order to keep aquatic ecosystems safe for the sake of their potential destruction.